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barbtries a blog
Thursday, April 25, 2002
man i have just about had it with commenting. nobody commented but me anyway, and tom a couple of times...at the same time i've used two different commenting sites both of which went down on me.

that sounds bad huh? went down on me....lol
sorry about that...

yeah, i'll probably try netcomment again if it's up now...i want my blog to look good and be functional and encourage interaction which i hope to see visitors interacting...

the deal about uigui (?), whose code WAS supplying my blog's commenting ability, is a "web event" known as "may 1 reboot" i believe it is, and this event requires anyone taking part to shut down their website today, 04-25-02, to reboot with something momentously changed about their page, i gather...i downloaded the zip file to take my site offline but doubt that i will. truthfully i also have serious doubts about whether i have a future in web design...never woulda guessed that, huh?

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